Okay, okay, so here's how to contact me! ^_^ Use all of the lurvely stuphs below to uh...talk and crap! e.ev
E-Mail: duo_oniichan@hotmail.com
ICQ #: 97716541
AIM SN: SakushaYoshi
Now for some common FAQz! n.nv
- Dude, where's my car? ...sorry, but we don't deal with lost cars. n.n; Try somewhere else!
- Are you, like, an art genius or what? You're joking, right? c.c For real genius, go to MegaTokyo and The Jar. n.nv
- Will you go out/marry me? No. I'm not into relationships...I had a really BAD o/l relationship as of late...o_o Creepy dude. c.c;
- What's Cyber Otaku Shangri-La? Finally, a decent question! I love you forever! J/k...no seriously, Cyber Otaku Shangri-La is a nice little place where all of the obsessive fangirls and fanboys that are outcasts of soicety go and foam @ the mouth. ^_^ It is /so/ all good.
- What's with Computer and Yoshi, anyway? ...Computer wuvs Yoshi cos she's never abused him, so now he wants to beocme a REAL boy! Get it? o_o;
- If I dress up like Ami, will I get stalked by CLAMP too? I dunno. Ask CLAMP. n.nv
- What's the plot? Plot? What plot? XD
- Dude, where's my car? For. The. Last. Time...I DON'T KNOW WHERE YOUR BLOODY FUCKING CAR IS! *coughs* Ehehe...n.n;