Cyber Otaku! Can You Dig It? *cheesey grin*
+---- Main Characters

Fomer Name: O'CONNERY, Elizabeth
Age: 14
Height: 5' 5"
Any Special Talents?: Is unusually energetic and yet can also be unusually cynical. Also has the ability to charm certain electronic appliances to do her bidding.

Yoshi's the main character in our nice widdle comic and suddenly got summoned to Cyber Otaku Shangri-La by Computer, who wanted her to be happy because alas, she hated life in her little Midwestern town. She's also the object of Computer's affections, although what she feels is yet to be seen.

Fomer Name: SASAKI, Phoebe
Age: 15
Height: 5'
Any Special Talents?: Knows computers inside and out.

Phoe is one very big computer guru. She figures out why Computer loves Yoshi so much. Deep.

Fomer Name: ELM, Lydia
Age: 16
Height: 5' 9"
Any Special Talents?: Can draw pretty damn well.

Ami loves CLAMP.
When she comes to Cyber Otaku Shangri-la...CLAMP loves her back. O_O;;

Fomer Name: HARU, Midori
Age: 12
Height: 4' 11"
Any Special Talents?: Extremely cute and can shapeshift into a Gomamon.

Zoey is Yoshi's cyber imoutochan. She also tends to shapeshift from the likes of a kawaii 12-year-old to a Gomamon...o_O;

Fomer Name: N/A
Age: N/A
Height: 1' 6"
Any Special Talents?: He's a Gomamon, damnit!

Remember Zoey?
Juhou IS a Gomamon. .V.;; He's also Yoshi and Zoey's oniichan. ^_^V

Fomer Name: QUINNIT, Julie
Age: 12
Height: 4' 9"
Any Special Talents?: Can manipulate plushies.

Hikari, who formerly lived in Cali, was in the midst of anime heaven in the US. (Of course, it can't compete with Cyber Otaku Shangri-La.) She always wears an adorable neko ear hat and has a hairstyle similar to Sakura's from Cardcaptor Sakura.

Fomer Name: FROMAGE, Kelsey
Age: 14
Height: 5' 7"
Any Special Talents?: Can make men drool. Avenges shounen ai couples.

Kelsey may be fourteen, but she looks twenty. She's also quite the shounen ai addict and defends the gay couples of anime with her life. Almost makes you wanna be strait, ne?

Fomer Name: COMPUTER
Age: Unknown
Height: 2' 3"
Any Special Talents?: Can suck people into alternate universes and conjure up anything that he (Yes, Computer's male.) or someone else might desire.

Computer's deeply and totally in love with Yoshi because she's never mistreated him. Unfortunately, Yoshi doesn't feel comfortable with having a relationship with Computer because Computer's...a computer, which means that he has no legs. So all that Computer really wants to be is a cyborg...a bishounen cyborg that Yoshi could fall deeply and madly in love with. Will it happen? Possibly.

Fomer Name: LONG, Dainelle
Age: 15
Height: 5' 7"
Any Special Talents?: Wields an incredible bitchslap.

Daineru comes off as a bit more material-oriented at first, but has a heart of gold and a wonderful personality. However, don't get her mad. You might end up dying.

Fomer Name: JING, Elizabeth
Age: 13
Height: 5' 4"
Any Special Talents?: Knows a lot about weaponry.

Koi shares the same former name as Yoshi, so they usually call each other "-namesharer-chan". Although small, Koi can wield one helluva big machine gun.
...okay, so she's just a little bit violent.

Fomer Name: WILLOW, Margaret
Age: 15
Height: 5' 8"
Any Special Talents?: Is knowledgable in the Wicca arts.

Unari, being Wiccan, knows a few of what some might call "the Wicca arts". Everyone in Cyber Otaku Shangri-La call it black magic - as in Final Fantasy black magic - and consider Unari the tallest Black Mage they've ever seen. Some ignorant gaijin that wanders in once in a while often asks Unari if she's a guy...just because her hair's short. WRONG thing to say to her.

Fomer Name: MILLENER, John
Age: 16
Height: 6' 3"
Any Special Talents?: Specializes in extreme sports.

Jay specializes in rollerblading, but he's an all-around extreme sports enthuasist. He also occasionally sits down, watches Gundam Wing, drinks a Bud, and asks Yoshi "Whazzup?". It's a thing they do.

+---- Evil/Minor Characters

The Poison League
Fomer Name: Nelvana, DiC, and Network Dubbing
Age: Who Knows, Who Cares?
Height: N/A
Any Special Talents?: Can single-handedly kill the hopes of otaku everywhere.

They are the evil of Cyber Otaku and the threat to the Cyber Otaku Shangri-La. Often, Yoshi and Co. try to fight them.

Fomer Name: Uhh...CLAMP.
Age: N/A
Height: N/A
Any Special Talents?: Can single-handedly make otaku's hearts swoon everywhere.

Normally CLAMP doesn't need an introduction, but when CLAMP falls in love with Ami and wants to make all kinds of shoujo manga, all featuring her, they sort of need THAT kind of introduction. N_n;

Some Ignorant Gaijin
Fomer Name: When it comes to him, no one gives a fuck.
Age: Ditto.
Height: 4' (?)
Any Special Talents?: Manages to really piss off Yoshi and Co., Unari especially.

SIG is here for comic relief. He usually comes in, asks annoying "WTF is anime?" questions and says at least, "Are you a guy?" to Unari. He also always "dies" after saying this.